Frequently Asked Questions

  • Discounts

    • Discounts will not be processed until after an order is submitted.
    • If you are eligible for a discount a staff member will modify your submitted order to reflect said discount.
      Example: We offer 10% off on orders of 12x bottles or more.
    • We only offer discounts on wine.
    • If you have any questions or concerns please reach out.
  • Delivery

    • Delivery is $12.00 within Calgary city limits, Monday through Friday during regular business hours.
    • If your order is over $150 you are eligible for free delivery within Calgary.
    • We require someone over the age of 18 with valid ID to be present to receive the delivery.
    • If delivery is chosen a staff member will be in contact to arrange a day that best suits you.
    • In the event of a failed delivery, you will be required to pay for a second delivery attempt or pick up your order at the store.
  • I can't find a wine

    • Our online store only lists product we actively work with.
  • Beer

    • We do not currently list any beer on our online store.
    • If there is something you are looking for, submit the form above!
  • Availability

    • The store is not a live connection to our database. This means there is potential for an item to change in price, vintage, or go out of stock. In the event there is a discrepancy a staff member will notify you of the situation.
  • Processing of Card

    • Your card will not be charged immediately.
    • After submitting an order a staff member will verify the availability of product. Your card will only be charged once all the wines are accounted for.

Returns Policy
Store Service Policy
Privacy Policy

If you didn't find the answer to your question just fill out the form above!


Oh!? You scrolled this far!

For those of you curious about the layout and the theory behind this online store, look no further. Being faced with the challenge of virtually representing what we do at Metrovino on the interweb, I realised I would never be able to do so. There is a soul and a feel to the store combined with inordinate levels of knowledge and familiarity with the wines present in my colleagues’ minds that is unreplicatable on the digital front. So you won't find descriptions of the wines, instead just a full catalog of our store for you to peruse at your leisure. 

Metrovino has the privilege to travel, to taste wines in situ and get to know our producers, so most of the bottles on our shelves are actually "Metrovino Exclusives" meaning you won't find them anywhere else in the province (except the wonderful restaurants we work with).

My hope is that this store is an intuitive shopping experience that will allow you to explore our selection whenever and wherever you please, that you'll be able to find wines that intrigue you and further meet the needs of your vinous journey, and that it will instigate conversations that never would have started without it. Especially for those who are too busy and can never make it physically to our store in downtown Calgary, you can now easily get our wine delivered to your doorstep. 

You can navigate the online store by colour and type, by country and region, and even by grape. Best of all, there is this wonderful search bar which allows you to search for all of the above, and even more specific requests like producers and particular wines.

I must stress that we at Metrovino are all utterly infatuated with wine and just wish to share our passion with others. So if you have any questions about anything related to wine please don't hesitate to reach out!

- Isaiah